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Villa Persius - Surface Sealing Below Historical Balcony Covering

In 1847, the widow of Ludwig Persius moved into the newly constructed house. Today it is used by the University of Potsdam. Over the years surface water had strongly endangered the original floor coverings of the loggia and the balcony.

Bonded waterproofing

below historical balcony covering against surface water

1 Floor exposed and leveled
2 WEBAC® 5611 applied
3 Historical floor covering installed

The villa of widow Persius is situated on the former premises of the court nursery of Sanssouci. The Italian style gem was built to the floor plan of a Latin cross. The two-storied house was provided with a balcony on the eastern side and a loggia with rows of columns on the western side.

When the building was restored the sealants below the coverings of the balcony and the loggia had to be replaced, the original installation heights being observed in order to preserve the access doors.